About Us


“We Aspire to Inspire”

Central College of Business Management, a unit of Raktakali Education Foundation established in 1981, is the academic institution run, managed and patronized by energetic educational professionals and experts having strong will to turn it into the first choice of quality seeking and wise students.
Affiliated to Pokhara University, Central College of Business Management is currently offering four years bachelor’s degree program in BBA(120 credit hours), BHCM(133 credit hours) and BHM (138 credit hours).

As our slogan says we aspire to inspire our students to become, well equipped, visionary and socially responsible entrepreneurs and leaders of tomorrow. To achieve our mission we have devised our program in such a way that it caters to both the theoretical educational need and the practical implementation areas so that the students are well prepared for the marketplace and forefront. 
Various extra-curricular activities that we conduct in our college are sketched to provide students with the overall skills required for emerging victorious in today’s competitive market.

Central College is located in the heart of the city at Sinamangal, Kathmandu with ample infrastructure, spacious and well lit class rooms and peaceful and serene outdoor environment for richer learning experience. The college is well equipped with state-of -the-art facilities for integrating classroom instruction with extensive hands-on experience. We boast of having our own infrastructure providing us the stability and options for growth.